Can AI Replace Humans?—Bard Edition

Published: Jun 2023

There is a huge debate going on about whether AI will replace humans or not. And as a writer, if you are stressing about your career, then I can assure you that you’re not getting replaced. Not anytime soon.

Although AI has huge potential to be HELPFUL as a writing tool, depending on it for the whole piece of content or article, especially research-based content, will neither serve you nor your audience.

Here’s an example:

I asked Bard some basic questions about the company I work for. I was expecting some insightful information (as it claims it can); however, the details were horrific and way far from facts. 

The results-

Orion Market Research

In this given result, the foundation year and directors’ names were incorrect. And this was the most basic information that Bard should’ve found out.

Here’s another one:

Orion Market Research

Bullet points show the achievements and awards won by our company. And all points are incorrect. This means Bard is either making imaginary things or the award ceremony was inspired by John Cena, whom we never saw.

Jokes apart, this shows Bard’s inability to write basic details even after searching the web.

I think this must’ve answered the question, “Can AI replace human writers?”

So, the next question should be, “In what way is AI replacing human writers and helping them work faster?”

·        Extract Details

If you don’t know about it yet, AI tools like Bard can help you extract key information from any data you provide. For example, if you want to summarize a news story, you can give the whole data to Bard, and it will summarize the exact information that you need without any extra or unnecessary content.

·        A Valuable Assistant for Content Generation

Bard can be super helpful for your content creation process. You can generate outlines, suitable headings for an article, or summaries. I also heard it can write songs and poems; use it well for your next date then.

To summarize, humans are more creative than any AI tool, including Bard, and can create content that is authentic—to readers and search engine crawlers as well.

With a mixture of humor, empathy, and emotional understanding, humans can connect with the reader through their content (reflecting brands or their services and products).

One example is journalists, who need to give an unbiased opinion on something based on their understanding of what goes on around the world.

So, I hope this article helped all the writers relax, and now they can continue writing without worrying about AI snatching their jobs any minute.